

The client aimed to revamp their styling web application, which was initially built in Ruby. Their primary goal was to enhance the app’s functionality, improve performance, and fix existing bugs. They wanted to incorporate new features such as a chat system, booking system for styling sessions, and an efficient user account creation and feedback collection mechanism. They also aimed to enhance user experience and engagement on the platform. As a developer, I took the initiative to completely rewrite the application, transitioning it from Ruby to Next.js. I utilized Tailwind CSS for styling, which allowed for a more modern and responsive design. I implemented Redux for state management to ensure smoother user interactions and data flow within the application. To bolster the backend, I integrated Firebase, which streamlined user authentication and data storage processes. I also engineered a real-time chat system, allowing users to communicate effortlessly. To streamline the booking of sessions with stylists, I integrated the app with Calendly. Additionally, I've added Typeform for an efficient user account creation process, and for collecting invaluable feedback, thereby elevating the user onboarding experience.

Katy's plumbing

This is a website I made for plumbing services company in Texas.


This is a website I made for my friend's business.

Orys plumbing solutions

This is a website I made for plumbing services company in Texas. Written with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS

Demo order-app

This is a demo full-stack app I made as a test task for some IT courses. It is a demo implementation of the order system for a restaurants. I developed it using Next.js, TypeScript, Mongo DB, TailwindCSS, Zustand, Google Maps different API's and other technologies.

Likar Project

This is a project I made for my friend. It is a demo implementation of the doctor appointment system for those who are unable to leave their homes, which was the topic of the diploma project. I developed it using Next.js, TypeScript, Firebase, TailwindCSS, Redux, and other technologies.

Zoolila Project

This is a full-stack project I made for my friend. It is a website for his business. I was working with PostreSQL, Strapi, Next.js, TypeScript, Zustand, Cloudinary, i18n, TailwindCSS.


This is a parser I made for my friend. It is a node based parser that uses Puppeteer for parsing data from a website.

Word cloud game

This is a game I made for my friend. It is a word cloud game

Trippy torus

This is a test project I made to learn about Three.js. It is just a wireframe spinning torus

The Father Oscillator

This an old project I made for my dad. It is a 3 wave oscillator that uses the Web Audio API.

That's not all!

Some of the projects I just can't show due to FDA, or the information is outdated and I have something new in my github, also I am not just "fetching" all my repos directly because it would be a mess, so...
Check my github: My Github