About Me

Hello there! I'm Daniel, a 21-year-old web wizard from Łódź, bringing together the realms of design, music, and animation to create unique web experiences. Over the years, I've worn many hats - from a photographer to a videographer, even to a music video director. However, my heart always finds its way back to web development.

In the last three years, I've been working as a front-end developer, starting my journey as a freelancer and moving onto working at Gravity and Processica. These experiences enabled me to dive deep into various technologies and processes. I have garnered significant experience in React, Redux, Next.js, and more recently, module federation for micro-frontends.

I have had the pleasure of working on React components to extend the functionality of Bubble, a no-code platform, ironically. Eventually, I later got an opportunity to work on a React Native project, which I dived into successfully despite not having previous experience.

While I love experimenting with all things code, I have a soft spot for Tailwind CSS, although I can comfortably work with vanilla CSS or preprocessors like SASS/SCSS. I also enjoy using CSS-IN-JS solutions like StyledComponents and libraries such as Firebase.

I'm incredibly proud of my work on a reproducible demo that supports large-scale micro frontends based on module federation. It was a thrilling experience to present the POC to our team, signifying my understanding of how this concept could help improve application scalability and robustness.

But life isn't all about work! In my free time, you'll often find me creating music or abstract 3D animations – all the while, continuously looking for ways to incorporate these passions into my work.

I believe that the joy of learning is a journey, not a destination. That's why I continuously challenge myself, looking to enhance my skills and experiment with new techniques whenever I can. My experiences at Code&Cakes and Expleo have not only refined my React, Redux, and TypeScript skills but also made me adept at collaborating with diverse teams and creating user experiences that resonate with the audience.

So, if you're looking for someone who brings a creative twist to front-end development, you're in the right place. Let's make the web a more beautiful and interactive space together!